Pasture Management For Long Term Productivity

Getting the most out of the harvest-whether plant or animal-means planting the right kind of seed to get the job done. Cover crops nourish soil in winter and strengthen the growing environment for vegetables and grains. In turn, these crops nourish the animals to produces the best meat and poultry for farmers and consumers. Getting the best products from the soil takes putting the best products into the soil, and that begins with seeds.

seeds colorado Seeds

Forage seeds give farmers the ability to produce high quality nutrition for grazing animals on land that is not fit for human food production. Forage grasses and legumes are a source of high-quality protein at low cost, and produce grazing materials that give energy and good nutrition to livestock. Forage grasses include: annual ryegrass, brassicas, bromgrass, Italian ryegrass, orchard grass, perennial ryegrass, red clover, Timothy grass and white clover. These types of grasses grow better-quality livestock that produce better meat and milk for consumers.

Cover Crops

Cover crops serve several purposes in farming. Cover crops reduce erosion in soil during non-growing seasons. Surface run off is slowed by cover crops, providing improved moisture content in the soil. Plant residues reduce the impact of raindrops that detach soil particles. Cover crops also provide increased nitrogen to the soil as well as great organic matter and the presence of beneficial organisms. Some widely-used cover crops include grains, such as rye, oats and buckwheat, peas, clover, annual grasses, vetches, radishes and mustards.

Turf Grasses

Turf grasses bring beauty and durability to lawns and other areas not intended for grazing or cultivation. Turf grasses reduce soil erosion and protect land from excessive heat and drought conditions. Healthy turf grasses also cut down on the risk of damage from insects. Using the right mix of turf seeds can produce a thick, lush lawn for years to come. Some popular turf grass options include: Kentucky blue grass, fine fescue, centipede grass, Bermuda grass, ryegrass and St. Augustine grass.

Getting the right Colorado seed for the job produces healthier livestock and produce and provides beauty and pleasure to any lawn.

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